A Testimony on Dental Anxiety

Our patient, Brad, shares his story that it’s never too late to conquer dental anxiety to have a healthy, confident smile.

Many people, and possibly most people, experience some form of anxiety surrounding going to the dentist and seeking dental care. Our patient, Brad has experienced dental and medical anxiety for most of his life and talks about his journey getting his teeth fixed and his smile straightened.


Brad went to the dentist once as a child and once in high school. Oral healthcare was not a big part of his childhood- he recalls that “brushing and flossing was never a big deal” growing up. He remembers getting x-rays done as a child and not understanding what was going on. His memories and understanding of oral healthcare are mostly surrounded by confusion. He knows that as he grew up, he learned enough of the dental and medical system to feel anxious. He can’t really pinpoint one particular event that triggered his dental and medical anxieties. All he knows is that he feels anxious and concerned to go to any type of medical appointment. He thinks: what will it be like? What if they find something wrong with me? What will they think of me? Will this hurt? - Most dental and medical offices have a sense of judgement and unsettling atmosphere, so why woundn’t someone fele the way he feels?


Brad started seeking regular dental care and medical care after ending up in tooth pain. The experience of having to tackle the anxiety of going into the dental office on top of being in pain seemed to push him in a new direction. Brad says his teeth were always “messed up,” and he never felt like he’d have a smile that was straight. He tried to cover his smile in different ways over the years and says “he never really full mouth smiled or showed his teeth.”  When he finally started taking his dental health into his own hands and getting his cavities filled and his wisdom teeth extracted, he said he felt like he had a clean bill of health to start off with. He said he never realized how bad things were until he was back in a place of health with no cavities or teeth hurting.


One his teeth were healthy, Brad considered straightening his teeth with orthodontics (braces). He was worried to start not knowing what the outcome would be and if it was worth it or not. He was worried about things hurting and not wanting to eat. Once he started braces, he says the process was fine and easy to get used to especially having the work done by people he knows and trusts. He said the key to taking care of his teeth and health was being able to have it done by compassionate people. He said the offices of LAT Dentistry and Reopelle Orthodontics were both inviting and calming, and the team made him feel like he was more than a number.


Brad says it feels “really nice” to have a nice smile and that “it’s all worth it.” He says he feels more confident and like he doesn’t have to cover his smile up. He says he would do it all again and he’s very thankful that he “had the right people working on him.” He says “it’s never too late in life to get the smile you deserve; don’t let dental anxiety hold you back.”


That can give me cavities?!


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