Ways Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

Anyone who has had a procedure such as a joint replacement is probably aware that the bacteria in our mouths can travel to other sites within our bodies. Just like a cut or wound on your skin can allow bacteria to enter your system and infect you – bleeding gums can allow all the bacteria in the mouth to get in and cause MANY different systemic diseases.  


Studies show 78% of heart attack patients had oral bacteria (the kind that causes cavities) in their heart blockage.
(Pessi/Circulation 2/2013)

Adults with periodontal (gum)disease are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
Learn more here

Healthy oral bacteria are likely to protect you from developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Learn more here

Aggressive oral bacteria have been associated with MANY systemic diseases:
Brain abscess
Infective endocarditis
Stenotic coronary artery plaque
Aneurysmal wall
Aneurysmal thrombus tissues
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic kidney disease
Multiple sclerosis
Heart attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Respiratory disease
Colorectal cancer
Low birth weight
Pre-term birth

Disease-related to systemic inflammation prevents total wellness – so what contributes to systemic inflammation?

So how can you reduce inflammation and live a wellness-focused lifestyle?


Choosing A Toothpaste For You


What To Expect At Your New Patient Appointment